Cancer Detection

We, at Shyam Oncology Foundation, organize cancer awareness camps wherein we exhibit charts, a skit, PowerPoint and other presentations and video films. We educate people about known causes for cancer, tests for early detection, noticing the early signs. These camps are primarily organized for low socioeconomic groups.

After the awareness talks, our doctor performs two well established tests for early cancer detection i.e.

  • Pap smear for early detection of cervix cancer (cervix cancer is the commonest cancer in women in India, and more so in low socioeconomic group).
  • Breast examination for early detection of breast cancer (breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in India, and is rapidly rising. Breast examination is a proven test for detection of early cancer that saves lives).

The Papanicolaou test (also called Pap smear, Pap test, cervical smear, or smear test) is a method of cervical screening used to detect potentially pre-cancerous and cancerous processes in the endocervical canal of the female reproductive system. Unusual findings are often followed up by more sensitive diagnostic procedures, and, if warranted, interventions that prevent progression to cervical cancer. Our social worker follows up with patients found to have abnormal pap smear to ensure they get complete evaluation and treatment.

Moreover, we help women with breast examination and make them learn about the self-examination techniques. We also give them printed material for use at home. Women are introduced to various types of tests and their potential benefits, limitations, and harms.
